19 April 2014

Stop No. 2!

Step by step I'm completing the trefoil of Benelux. Belgium - check. The Netherlands - check. Luxembourg - check. Noticed the order? Yeah, I know... Anyway, today I'd like to write about my trip to Luxembourg :). 

Luxembourg is really like a cute puppy - once you look at it, you can't take your eyes of it. Being so small (city population of app 103,000; area 52 km2) a city tour can be comfortably managed in one day. Unfortunately, Luxembourg failed to win the weather gods' favour but I'm sure you have plenty of sunshine at home so you'd better cease to hope for a sunny day. Simply said don't wait for the rain to stop to get out. (A sunny day equals national holiday)
Casually enjoying cake and coffee 
with my fellows at the European Commision ;-D
What I noticed immediately - Luxembourg is literally soaked in history (its grounds were laid in the 10th century). However, it managed to infiltrate modernism quite well, too. 

It’s a bit of a polyjuice potion of languages and ethnicities. You come across French, German, English, and the domestic Luxembourgish. Being the seat of important European Institutions there’s huge immigration from all over Europe (and certainly from all over the world).   

Once you reach a bridge it promises beautiful views since a deep valley runs across the city. Woods and parks are whenever you go.
If you are a fan of chocolate then, my friend, this is the land of your dreams. It definitely learnt a thing or two from its bigger trefoil fellows.

Definitely not sisters. Coincidence!
If you think you'll need two suitcases for your journey to Luxembourg - one for clothes and stuff, and the other would be filled with money for your ultimate survival I can assure you that it's really not that bad. We managed to find good accommodation for a reasonable price (app 32 euros/night including breakfast, if you need to know, hostels are even cheaper). Besides you can feel free to add at least one star to your notion of what a hotel is going to look like (meaning 2 stars in Luxembourg equal 3-4 in Slovakia...). 
On the other hand, you may consider eating a bit of a luxury. Fortunately, everything is so close that you rarely need to use public transport, so you can save here.

I would say that people there are not well…wild party animals to put it as you can hear your voice echo walking through town in the evening. But knowing which bars are worth visiting you will find a lively and joyful atmosphere. And happy hours.   

 Luxembourgers have a peculiar sense of humour: See for yourselves.

Vomit bag on bus

Choose one of your own liking (save up from 1 800 to 12 600 euros and you can brighten up your loved one's day ;-))
Art...or something.

Fun fact: Luxembourg is the last grand duchy in the world! The picture on the right shows the Grand Duke Henri's humble dwelling. :-)

Finally, in Luxembourg people apparently invite you to peek into their homes because they very often don't have any curtains. (Although if you were to do it, you can't be my friend anymore. Sorry...)

To sum up: A HUGE THANK YOU to you, Sis, for your hospitality, professional guidance, and all the fun. And to you, my dear sis, for sharing this experience with me and completing my sentences. Spending a few days in Luxembourg was truly magical!Go and visit it. Period.  

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