26 August 2014

I have a dream - Never forget series I

I was waiting for my bus when some kids next to me started to play a song on the phone. After some time in I recognized it: Vandaag Bakermat. It’s on the radio all the time these days.
Kid one remarked: „I like the lyrics. The DJ’s comments, you know…pretty cool.”

“Yep, pretty cool,” Kid two echoed.

My mouth almost dropped open. I gulped hard. They don’t even…

“I have a dream!” Kid one shouted in a pretended deep voice. Kid two began to laugh and added: “dream-dream-dream.” They’re both nodding to the rhythm.

I felt like crying out to the world: for God’s sake don’t ever forget! I couldn’t let it be.

“Hey, guys. You do know that it’s actually Martin Luther King, don’t you?” I said.

At first they gave me weird looks but eventually Kid two spoke up.

“Oh, that’s the one with…with I just came to say hello, right?!”

“No, you dumbhead! That’s Martin Solveig,” the other kid butted in. He looked at me for support of his statement.

“Well, I guess so but I didn’t mean…I…He was an activist, a fighter for civil rights of African-American citizens.”

“Like that’s what the song’s about?” Kid two asked.

“No. That’s what Martin Luther King’s live was about,” I replied getting impatient.

Kid one raised his eyebrows and then nodded. “Yeah. That’s a cool hobby for a DJ to have.”

Fortunately, my bus came so I could escape from the unknowing.

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